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Brought to you by Oregon's Leading Regenerative Medicine Center

Why I follow Time Restricted Eating

We define Time Restricted Eating (TRE) as consuming all of our daily calories within a 7-8 hour period of time, and consuming no calories for 16+ hours daily. You can readily accomplish this by beginning your caloric intake at noon with a healthy lunch, and finishing consuming calories no later than 7-8 PM.

Because my schedule varies, I allow a bit of flexibility in the timing, some days eating earlier, around 11 am, and having dinner at 6 or 7 pm. 

Is TRE the same as intermittent fasting?

Some might refer to time restricted eating as intermittent fasting. That’s not entirely accurate, because fasting traditionally means going without food for at least 24 hours. 

Still, time restricted eating confers many of the benefits of fasting without the disruption of one’s work and play routine.  

Are there metabolic benefits to TRE?

If you dedicate yourself to eating a healthy balanced diet during your 7-8 hours of nutrient intake, time-restricted eating will improve your metabolism and shift it into a better burning state, naturally improve insulin sensitivity, decrease overall inflammation, and upregulate autophagy. 

Can I exercise in the fasting state?

When exercise is performed during the fasting period, the combination will almost certainly increase autophagy signaling. I say almost certainly because scientists don’t have the tools yet to measure subtle upticks in the metabolic markers for autophagy. Still ,we know that muscle responds to exercise during the 16-hours of caloric restriction by enhancing insulin sensitivity and promoting muscle growth, and that autophagy is enhanced by exercise in non-muscle tissues.


Dr. Peterson
